Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring. |
First thought is brute force. For every kind selection of start point and end point, there are totally O(N*N) and each palindrome recognition is O(N). And total time complexity is O(N^3). Test proved it's too slow.
Second try. Because Palindrome has special property, symmetric. If a long string is a Palindrome, the sub-string in its center has to be a sub-string. Or in another way, if its sub-string in the middle is not a palindrome, the large one cannot be, thus avoiding a lot of unnecessary comparison.
First thought is brute force. For every kind selection of start point and end point, there are totally O(N*N) and each palindrome recognition is O(N). And total time complexity is O(N^3). Test proved it's too slow.
Second try. Because Palindrome has special property, symmetric. If a long string is a Palindrome, the sub-string in its center has to be a sub-string. Or in another way, if its sub-string in the middle is not a palindrome, the large one cannot be, thus avoiding a lot of unnecessary comparison.